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Mandela family reveals Zoleka’s wishes

Mandela family reveals Zoleka’s wishes The Zoleka Mandela Foundation has expressed Zoleka Mandela’s wishes of thanking the medical staff that treated her by name. The 43-year-old author and activist died on the evening of September 25…

Mandela family sets the record straight

Mandela family sets the record straight The Mandela family read with unhappiness the article written by Kailene Pillay published online on 14th October 2021 titled “Winnie Madikizela Mandela family support relative accused of taking from…

Mandela family at war over estate

Mandela family at war over estate Zoleka Mandela has revealed that her family is currently in a state of disaster. The author and activist spoke about the worry some state of her family saying things took a turn for the worst when her…