“Wow, This Is Massive”: Aerial View Clip Shows Businessman’s Newly Built Village Home

“Wow, This Is Massive”: Aerial View Clip Shows Businessman’s Newly Built Village Home

“Wow, This Is Massive”: Aerial View Clip Shows Businessman’s Newly Built Village Home

Recently deceased Access Bank CEO Herbert Wigwe trended online as clips of his Lagos mansion leaked on social media The multi-billion naira infrastructure is a state-of-the-art, fully automated residential building situated right in the heart of Lagos A first-hand glimpse of the inside of the mansion has sparked reactions on social media, with many questioning the sanity behind such an outlandish outlay of resources

When did Herbert Wigwe build this mansion? According to reports from the engineering firm Craneburg, which was responsible for building the edifice, the mansion took them 22 months to finish. Reports say Herbert Wigwe moved in late last year and planned to make it his retirement home, among his other luxury properties scattered throughout Lagos. Popular Twitter real estate commentator Oke Umurhohwo, aka Oke Stalyf, is quoted as saying that an infrastructure of that scale would cost at least $15 to $20 million. See Oke Stalyf’s breakdown of Herbert Wigwe’s mansion:

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