Which one is SK Khoza’s son? – Mzansi asks after Gogo Maweni show off her kids

Which one is SK Khoza’s son? – Mzansi asks after Gogo Maweni show off her kids

Which one is SK Khoza’s son? – Mzansi asks after Gogo Maweni show off her kids

Gogo Maweni social media personality who has a large fanbase. It is mainly because of her carefree attitude and being flamboyant. Gogo is an influencer as well with a medical background. She is one of the well-known faces from South Africa. She’s also known for hosting her TV show called Izangoma Zodumo on Mzansi magic.

However, she came into much prominence earlier this year when her Ex-boyfriend SK khoza started acting weird on a viral video and everyone suspected her saying that she could have used some Voodoo magics on him since she’s a Sangoma.

This comes after she revealed that she broke up with him because he wasn’t much of a father and he always ran away from his daddy responsibilities.

Yesterday a media house was posting some South African female celebrities with their kids and Gogo Maweni was one of them, with her 2 cute princes, who shocked everyone because she has cute kids while she’s that hot.

Now after those pictures were posted and people saw Gogo Maweni’s kids, they were so keen on finding out which one is SK Khoza’s kid, as he’s the one who had Gogo Maweni Bewitching him.

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