Watch ‘The Queen’ this week : Harriet and Brutus face off over who gets to live

Watch ‘The Queen’ this week : Harriet and Brutus face off over who gets to live

Watch ‘The Queen’ this week : Harriet and Brutus face off over who gets to live

Watch ‘The Queen’ this week as the dramatization unfurls. Thato is stunned when he ends up in an improbable love triangle. Kagiso and Dingane keep on battling against the danger that is tailed them into the Khoza manor.

Monday 22 June

Thato’s arrangements with Mildred are hindered by a lovely more abnormal. Brutus has heard enough of Kagiso’s reasons and releases his fury on him.

Tuesday 23 June

Dingane and Kagiso are in a tough situation as the Khozas turn on them. Schumacher turns into a danger to Thato’s ongoing series of wins with ladies.

Wednesday 24 June

The tables turn for Kagiso and Dingane as they end up helpless before an old foe. Thato’s bet reverse discharges when his date with Warona doesn’t go as arranged.

Thursday 25 June

Harriet and Brutus go head to head over who gets the chance to live. Things get progressively confounded as Thato falls all the more profoundly for Warona.

Friday 26 June

Thato is stunned when he winds up in an impossible love triangle. Kagiso and Dingane keep on battling against the danger that is tailed them into the Khoza manor.

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