Video of Tembisa 10 Side chick exposed by real wife confirms it all
Video of Tembisa 10 Side chick exposed by real wife confirms it all
The Tembisa 10 mother is the side chick, the wife confirmed it. According to his wife his husband is a cheater and an irresponsible father, Tebogo’s wife is not the mother of 10. The mother is a side chick Tebogo’s side chick his wife Sibongile find out about this when she came back after visiting her home to find the two together sleeping in their home(allegedly)
Tebogo then proceeded to kick his wife out of the house and told her she couldn’t come in because of the had a visitor. This was all in the presence of their three children, who along with their mother were locked outside the house.
When the wife found out about the side chick, she was already pregnant and with more than one child. Sibongile also said that this has led to the crumbling of her marriage and their always fighting, and they fight in front of their children and their kids are traumatized and drop out of school as a result.
This is painful
— advovolicious ?? (@advovolicious) June 15, 2021
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