Tumi Morake to host a Comedy Show #laughteristhebestmedicine
As a nation, Mzansi has a talent for laughing through the good times and using humour to help get through the uncertain times too and because laughter is the best medicine, Cipla has partnered with renowned comedian, Tumi Morake for some light-hearted relief during the lockdown.
CEO of Cipla South Africa, Paul Miller, said: “With South Africa in a nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s important that we stand united by standing apart. Therefore, we wanted to help ease people’s cabin fever with a comedy show that provides a much-needed dose of entertainment in this unprecedented time.
“It’s important that we focus on people’s mental health and wellbeing during the lockdown as part of our commitment to “caring for life” as many people might be experiencing heightened feelings of uncertainty, unrest, and loneliness,” said Miller.
To attend the show all you have to do is register online and then tune in on Wednesday, April 15 and laugh your socks off, that is if you were anything.
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