Tropika Island of Treasure Contestants share tips for surviving the rest of lockdown
We are now firmly into week four of lockdown in South Africa, with a little while still to go. We caught up with some familiar faces on Tropika Island of Treasure Curaçao who share their top tips on surviving the rest of lockdown.
Trevor Lagerway
Wake up every morning and go to bed with affirmations
I am blessed and grateful for what I have. I am so fortunate. I have greatness within me and opportunities are all around me. The power of the mind is incredible. You have the control over your own thoughts and you can only think one thought at a time. So make it a positive one every morning and every night, and you will start to see the fruit of planting positive thoughts into that fertile garden of your brilliant mind. Your subconscious only holds onto and “grows” what you feed it. It doesn’t know the difference between positive and negative. The mind is powerful, make the most of it.
Darren Solomon
Maintaining good health
Working out is a vital part of keeping fit and healthy in everyday life, and it’s even more important during the lockdown. I enjoy working out in the mornings as I get to start the day off on a good note. Keeping the mind healthy is just as important, and reading is a great way to feed your mind and to pass the time.
Janeske Rademan
Music to take you away to a faraway land
We could all do with some kind of an escape right now. While it’s not physically possible, the mind is a powerful tool. Put some tropical music on, lie down, close your eyes and then let your imagination take you to an island far away, where there are palm trees, unlimited Pina Coladas, dolphins swimming and so much more. Let your imagination take you far away.
Caldine Wyngaard
Add a structure to your day
If you haven’t already, set out a routine for yourself and add structure to your days. Try not to set unrealistic expectations for yourself in this time. Even if you set a few key tasks to cover for the day, stick to it. And make sure you add in a few breaks between the tasks – be it exercise breaks, time to sit in the sun or breathe in the fresh air- mix it up.
Siphosethu Colo
Laughter is the best medicine
Every day I video call a friend or family member to catch up, but more than that, I intentionally try and make them laugh during this call. This helps to relieve their stress and mine, and helps us both remember that there are still things to laugh about and be grateful for – such as the people in your life. I also watch a stand-up comedy show every now and again so I can let out a big laugh. I always feel 100 times better and more optimistic about the lockdown after watching a good comedy show.
Siya Mfenyana
Keep your mental game strong
I believe the trick to staying sane during this time is to have a solid grip of the things you actually have control over. If you feed your mind with positivity and constantly keep self-affirming, you won’t feel as despondent or anxious. Rest is another important aspect of keeping your mental game strong. And, taking stock of what’s really important, channelling your energies into positive things and recharging does wonders!
Catch Tropika Island of Treasure Curaçao on SABC3 every Tuesday at 19h30 with the repeat every Saturday at 20h00.
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