This is very sad – Babes Wodumo found out about Mampintsha’s death on social media

This is very sad – Babes Wodumo found out about Mampintsha’s death on social media

This is very sad – Babes Wodumo found out about Mampintsha’s death on social media

Babes Wodumo reportedly found out about her husband Mampintsha’s death on social media. Newzroom Afrika reporter revealed that the singer got to know about her husband’s death in the morning after a nurse from the hospital where Mandla was admitted, leaked the news on social media.

The Kwaito star was admitted at King Edward Hospital in Durban, KZN last weekend and later taken to Durdoc Hospital in Durban Central, but he took his last breath on Saturday morning, 24th of December, 2022.

“She said everything looked well, they actually thought he will Apparently the nurse broke the news to the media.

This is very sad – Babes Wodumo found out about Mampintsha’s death on social media

“Everything looked well, they actually thought he will be discharged. be discharged on the 24th on the day that he passed, but unfortunately she woke up to social media to people saying that he had passed.

The story told by the family is that one of the nurses of the ward is the one that broke the news to certain people, and that is how word got out, and the family is very unpleased with this how unfortunate to find out through social media, and that’s where they saw very distraught Babes Wodumo who couldn’t even contain herself because of the way she found out. The family is also making appeal to the public as a whole to hold up from breaking such tragic news whenever anyone else passes or is dead until confirmed by family first,” the reporter said.

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