Thandeka Dawn ventures into crocheting business
Thandeka Dawn ventures into crocheting business
Dawn Thandeka King announces venturing into the crocheting business. Taking to Instagram days ago, the actress shared photos of the headgear she made. Dawn feels blessed about her creative hand, and she’s seriously promoting some of the designs made.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Thandeka says crocheting is her hobby, and she’s gradually making money from it.
“I have ventured into crocheting. It started off as a hobby. I also made MaShenge do it on DiepCity as a form of therapy because she is not employed,” she said.
“My colleagues loved my work and started placing orders. They ecouraged me to treat this as a business. That’s when I called it Izandla by Dawn Thandeka King.”
Speaking about the price, she said the beanies go for R250, bucket hats for R450, sun hats for R850 and frilled bucket hats for R650.
“It gives me pleasure to see people wearing my hats. That is in itself therapeutic. I will be sharing details of more of my work on my social media platforms
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