Somizi Reveals Some Shocking News

Somizi Reveals Some Shocking News

Somizi Reveals Some Shocking News

Somizi said, “Warning, my number has been hacked again…Do not send money to anyone
One thing I will never get tired of is supporting local brands…whether we are friends or not…..this one here is a proud moment for me…..this mall @hpchydeparkcorner used to be 100% non black store owned….for the longest time…..and when it eventually happened it was only accessible to those of you who were already muscled….and today when I saw this my heart was filled with excitement…..@tshepojeans go go go, You’re an inspiration,” he expressed proudly.

Then Somizi warned people who vilify black owned businesses for being too expensive. He said if people can afford them, they should support, but if they cannot, they should not.

“And to my fellow BLACKS…lets please stop this thing of expecting local products and brands to be cheap just because they’re local or black….if its good quality and you can afford support if its expensive for you move on swiftly without bashing it and go get what’s affordable for you.”

Thobile Mseleku is also a victim of a scam of some sort. She said there are multiple fake Instagram accounts in her name and she is tired of them. “Please don’t fall for this scam. Kindly report this page I will do the same. Thank u,” she warned.

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