Somizi could launch his own range of cool face masks

Somizi could launch his own range of cool face masks

Talk about a jack of all trades! Media personality Somizi might be venturing into the world of clothing by selling “fashionable” masks that you can rock during the coronavirus pandemic.

The media personality teased his latest business venture on social media this week.

Taking to Instagram, Somizi highlighted that he was “testing the waters” by sharing snaps of him in a stylish cloth-like mask that matched his jacket and beanie.

“Testing the waters. New masks loading. Fashionably protected. Variety of materials – any material actually,” he wrote.

Somizi asked his fans whether they’d buy his masks if he sold them. He added that they would be affordable, with so many people currently experiencing money issues.

“If this was available, would you buy it? And, of course, at a very affordable price since the pockets are very tight. It’s so cool and comfortable. Let’s see the response and I’ll take it from there.”

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This is not the first time that SomG has shared his business ideas with fans. A year ago SomG alluded to having plans on producing his own musical.

He shared his sentiments about staging a musical during an interview with Marc Lottering. “You have ignited my love for musicals. I am writing a musical because of you,” he told Marc, adding: “Some people may think theatre in SA is dying. It hasn’t died or is even attempting to be in a coma. We just need bums in seats,” he said.

In 2018, the media personality was in Gibson Kente’s musical drama How Long? as a choreographer. It was there that SomG realised that theatre was still alive.

“When I was asked to choreograph this, I was really honoured. This is where I was conceived. I have come full circle. For me, it’s not just a pay cheque. It’s in my blood, because of my parents, I had no choice really.”

SomG has in the past also promised fans his own tracksuit range, as well as a Braille version of his memoir. Now he’s waiting to get a response regarding whether people would buy his masks.

Let’s hope he follows through with this plan.

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