Skolopad opens up on living with memory loss after car accident

Skolopad opens up on living with memory loss after car accident

Skolopad opens up on living with memory loss after car accident

In an Instagram post, local entertainer Skolopad, real name Nonhlanhla Qwabe, reflected on car accident she was involved in.

The singer and dancer lost control of her vehicle while driving to QwaQwa on 22 September 2018

It’s been full three years not going out and not socialising with people after my car accident. Not because I was in pain or something but because I was ashamed of my sickness I had n still have a “mild Amnesia” after the car accident I had in 2018/09, [sic]” Skolopad said in an Instagram post.

“I would see who you are but wouldn’t know your name which most people get offend by and it’s so embarrassing to explain that forgot who they are and hide it by saying it old age, [sic]” she explained further.

Skolopad, who also sustained injuries to her legs and face in the accident, went on to say that she is still unable to “smile with my right side of the face”.

But the 37-year-old, who recently tied the knot, ended the post saying: “I am happy to be myself again.”


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