Simphiwe Dana’s father has died

Simphiwe Dana’s father has died

Simphiwe Dana’s father has died

Simphiwe Dana Announces The Passing Of Her Father. Most of us thought now that the dreadful year of 2020 is over, we might just get a break but it appears that we all thought very wrong.

Yet another celebrity has lost a parent in the few days that have been 2021, and we are considering this year be cancelled as well. Award-winning songstress Simphiwe Dana took to Twitter to announce that her father has just passed away in the early hours of this morning, and she needs time to let the sad truth sink in.

Simphiwe Dana’s father has died
My father passed on early hours of this morning. I need time to process” Simphiwe wrote.

Dana recently got engaged to her fiancee Pumeza Matshikiza but unfortunately the happy moment has been met with great sadness and we would like to offer our condolences to Simphiwe and her loved ones.

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