Radio DJ Jacinta Ngobese Happy Like Never Before After Dumping Boyfriend

South African media personality Jacinta Ngobese took to her Facebook account to open up about the abuse she suffered when she was with her ex-husband.

Radio DJ Jacinta Ngobese Happy Like Never Before After Dumping Boyfriend

The DJ revealed she was cheated on and beaten by her ex-husband. She mentioned that she kept everything to herself hoping that one day things will change.

She further added that she was glad she left that relationship and realized there were better men out there.

Jacinta, who works for Vuma FM, opened up about the abuse after she shared a Facebook posting by Fanele Sphokuhle Mncwango that said: “Omunye bayamcheatela…bese bexolisa ngokumposta bemenza ididi. (Someone is cheated on and the cheater apologises by posting them, making them stupid).”

She then said: “That was me, I was happy and thinking it was a sign he was going to stop. I’m grateful I came out of that relationship and realized there were still good men like someone…”

The DJ said she was going through all this when she was still wearing her ring.

She said she didn’t know where the ring disappeared to, adding that maybe her ancestors took it out and threw it away.

Kini Shandu, Jacinta’s colleague on Gagasi FM, commented: “You were indeed stupid, but you must thank me.”

Jacinta said she is happy to have come out of it. “It’s all in the past. I’m glad that I’m happy where I am,” said Jacinta.

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