Pictures: Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister, Wendy feels cute in a cute traditional outfit

Pictures: Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister, Wendy feels cute in a cute traditional outfit

Pictures: Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister, Wendy feels cute in a cute traditional outfit

South African actress and media personality, Nomzamo Mbatha‘s sister Wendy has taken to Instagram to share how cute she is feeling in a beautiful traditional outfit she was wearing today, 11 December in Hambanathi T/ship, Tongaat at actress Thandeka Zulu’s wedding.

From the details on her posts, they were in Tongaat to support uMazulu aka Thandeka who was getting married to her sweetheart, Sabelo.

She is seen rocking a short traditional dress with matching high heels, a fancy black DG handbag, a matching weave, and stunning makeup.

Pictures: Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister, Wendy feels cute in a cute traditional outfit

She captioned:

“I feel Cute??♥️ #ThandekaWedsSabelo”

She added:

“We are here to represent uMazulu♥️”

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