Photos: Inside Hulisani Ravele’s vacation in Morocco

Photos: Inside Hulisani Ravele’s vacation in Morocco

Photos: Inside Hulisani Ravele’s vacation in Morocco

South African seasoned broadcaster and host, Hulisani Ravele is surely having the best time of her life while in Morocco which appears was on her bucket list. She features among the list of many other Mzansi celebrities who are enjoying their hard-earned money abroad this December.

Morocco is an African country situated in the North, bordering the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, distinguished by its Berber, Arabian, and European cultural influences.

Photos: Inside Hulisani Ravele’s vacation in Morocco

According to the posts shared on her Instagram, she has stayed there for over a week clearly telling, she is enjoying the country. Hulisani has been detailing each and everyday experience she’s having out there and her followers love it for her.

On the first day she shared:

“Morocco, Day 1:

Last Saturday, I landed safely in Casablanca to begin my 9-day Moroccan adventure with 12 strangers! ? I chose a group trip because I wanted to travel “solo” but I’m scared to travel alone (blame it on too many episodes of FBI, CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds etc ?), so traveling with a group of strangers was a great compromise.

EVERYTHING was amazingly organized by @dalani_travel, from visas to itinerary, I just had to pay and show up! ?

After landing in Casablanca, we drove to our first stop, Marrakesh. We stayed in a stunning riad, @leriadnayanour, inside the Medina (meaning Old Town), a truly Moroccan experience! Day 1 was about settling in and getting to know one another over our first delicious Moroccan feast. We were off to a great start! ??”

Fast forward to Day 7 in Morocco, it seems Miss Ravele is not leaving the fun country as yet, she wrote:

“Morocco, Day 7:

A new day, a new city, Fès. A city our guide described as “the spiritual and intellectual capital of Morocco”.

Started the day in another beautiful riad. This place made me understand why the super rich have doors and other architectural marvels flown in from other countries to add to their homes.

We had such a rich, guided tour of the Medina (the old town). It left me with a heightened understanding and respect for the Islam religion and the deep sense of community that Muslims have. One of the ladies even commented that Islam is one of the few religions where the beliefs directly match the actions and the way of life of most of the people. I couldn’t agree more.

Our stop at the leather tannery, a place where animal skins are tanned and made into leather, is a must-do when in Morocco. The smell of the hides is quite something, which is why you’re given mints leaves as you head in, but watching the process is well worth it!

It was a few short hours in Fès and then we were back on the road heading to our next city, Chefchaouen – Morocco’s Blue City. ?”

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