Ntsiki Mazwai goes after Somizi, accuses Gay men of having v@gina envy

Ntsiki Mazwai goes after Somizi, accuses Gay men of having v@gina envy

The writer tweeted some homophobic hostility against gay men during her tirade, in the wake of expressing her hypotheses about what went down at Somizi’s Comedy Central Roast.

In her most recent tirade, questionable artist and performer Ntsiki Mazwai has blamed gay men for having what she calls “v@gina envy.”

Ntsiki Mazwai Somizi

This after she shared her hypothesis that famous choreographer-turned-reality star, Somizi Mhlongo, set up his Comedy Central Roast, including her on the board, as an approach to “execute her image.”

“Alpha females are a problem for gay men,” tweeted Mazwai.

Ntsiki Mazwai goes after Somizi, accuses Gay men of having v@gina envy

She then ventured to ask the public why they think this is, before berating a Twitter user who recalled Nomzamo Mbatha’s roast of Mazwai.

@buhle_mhlabeni went for a walk through a world of fond memories on Monday evening, re-calling how he accepts the entertainer, maker and donor “accumulated” Mazwai.

“You all recollect when the great sister nomzamo accumulated ntsiki genuine snappy?” asked Mhlabeni, before Mazwai reacted by charging that Mbatha’s open picture took a thump after the meal and that the entertainer along these lines “fell into a downturn” thus.

Mazwai further guaranteed that Mbatha’s set annihilated her image, something she trusts Mbatha plotted on with Mhlongo to do to her.

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