Ntando Duma Leaves Fans Confused After Showing Off An Engagement Ring – Photo
Ntando Duma Leaves Fans Confused After Showing Off An Engagement Ring
Actress Ntando Duma’s choice of jewellery grabbed most of the attention during her mom’s birthday celebration. Fans noticed that she was wearing what appeared to be an engagement ring on her left hand, and if that wasn’t enough… the ring appeared to be cushioned with a wedding band.

The bedroom set up and engagement rumours reminded her fans of what had taken place a few weeks prior, when her mysterious boyfriend surprised her with a similar experience. Ntando also credited the décor to Nono Events, who orchestrated the entire set up. Which aside from the rose petals on the bed, saw a large heart that was structured in rose petals on the floor, complete with candles dispersed throughout the room.

Leading up into the room, rose petals was scattered on the stairs, and once again complemented by a variety of candles to add to the romantic ambiance. Large bouquets of flours were hung on the balustrade and pink lighting was shone throughout the apartment to create a s.e.xy mood.

Whilst everyone speculated that it was an engagement, Ntando Duma, put the engagement rumours to rest once and for all, and has dispelled any thoughts about her man becoming her… fiancé! The actress took to Twitter on Sunday, 18 October 2020 to once again gush about the mystery guy, simply stating, “It’s my boyfriend for me.” Many of her fans quickly noticed that she had referenced to him as her “boyfriend”, which indicated that the grand gesture given to her last week was NOT a proposal!

Ntando’s accessory to her ring finger has put everyone back at square one… although now we are wondering she got HITCHED without telling anyone?!
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