Moana’s sister Tatts shares touching pics of the late model’s grave

Moana’s sister Tatts shares touching pics of the late model’s grave

Moana’s sister Tatts shares touching pics of the late model’s grave

Mitchelle Amuli’s sister Tatts shares touching pics of Moana’s grave. Emotional Tatts has shared another sad picture of Moana’s grave. She asked fans to remember her also when she is gone.

Tatts is Moana’s sister. Moana died in a horrific car accident which claimed the life of Zimbabwe’s millionaire Ginimbi and two other friends. Check the pictures below and a heartfelt message from tatts to her sister

I have stretched myself too thin ?Mimie I’ve tried out everything but nothing they said would make me feel better has changed a thing ?They said space will make me better ?they said time would help me heal but the question is how do you heal after having piece of your heart wripped out ?How do you pick up the pieces of a crumbling heart ?how does space heal the pain of losing someone who was not only a sister ?‍❤️‍? but a bestfriend ? an advisor ✍️ a teacher ? a provider ? actually more of my second mom ?

…how do you continue breathing when you’re drowning and your head is under water ? Mimie they dont understand how we grow up with close to nothing and how you fought so hard all the days of your life to make sure we your family got everything ?‍?‍?❤️ i dont have the words to begin to explain to the world the pain i have in my heart ❤️ i cant begin to explain how helpless i feel at not being able to defend your name without me being verbally attacked or misqouted,

how all the bad things they said about you went straight to my head and to my pierced through my heart? i cant begin to explain how i have no clue whatsoever on how to keep the memory of you alive in Kayla‘s head and heart so she doesnt grow up and forget the one person who loved her with all her heart and soul ?i dont know how to narrate to her how you claimed her from day one and how she came first to you before everybody else without it wriping my heart out ? Ndotangira papi kumuudza kuti you left with no goodbye nor did you even give a hint that you were going to leave her so soon ?

It doesn’t add up to me how you just decided to take a dive and leave us here all alone so how will it make sense to her ? i have no idea who i will turn when the pain cuts me deep and the night keeps me from sleeping ??Mimie who will fight my battles when words fail me and there’s no strength in my bones ? Mimie who did you think was going to stand by me when the world forsakes me ? Mimie who is going to be there for me when the world forgets about my loss and begins carry on with their lives …

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