Maps Maponyane and others fed 1000 homeless people over the weekend

Maps Maponyane and others fed 1000 homeless people over the weekend

DJ Zinhle has taken to her social media to share a picture of her with Maps Maponyane and Murdah Bongz feeding 1000 homeless people over the weekend. Easter break was a wonderful one for a lot of people and many gave out to the needy to celebrate love.

Maps Maponyane and others fed 1000 homeless people over the weekend

Taking to Instagram, Zinhle and others fed 1000 people and distributed 200 bags to the homeless with the help of NS Impact Foundation.

“Over the Easter weekend, @ns_impact@murdahbongz@mmaponyane and I fed 1000 people and distributed 200 bags to the homeless. A big shout to @ns_impact for all the great work,” she captioned.

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