Lasizwe launches his DJ career – Video
Lasizwe launches his DJ career – Video
Lasizwe Dambuza is a man of many talents, and he uses them all to chase the bag. He is a radio host, an actor, a social media and television personality, a YouTuber, and a comedian (Whew! That’s a mouthful). Some may even call him a dancer, although he is yet to add it to his portfolio.
Now the actor has unveiled his newest skill to the world.. DJ-ing. In a video he posted online recently, Lasizwe was on the decks doing his thing, although it’s unclear what exactly this “thing” is that he was doing. He captioned the video “meet Aunty Pancakes”, a nod to viral DJ sensation Uncle Waffles.
Meet Aunty Pancakes
— Lasizwe (@lasizwe) November 13, 2021
He dances just like Uncle Waffles did, to Young Stunna and Kabz De Small’s Adiwele, in the video that made her famous. Well… maybe “dances just like Uncle Waffles” is a stretch, but he did do the moves to the Adiwele challenge she spurred, so close enough, right? Either way, it was really his facial expressions for us!
Uncles Waffles was a great sport about it — you have to understand Lasizwe’s sense of humour to get it, and she does. She was also honoured by the shoutout — imitation is the greatest form of flattery — and commented with emojis. She is currently still on tour around Africa and she is receiving a lot of international love, which is a great sign that her career is all the way up.
For anyone who watches Lasizwe, he is a natural-born comedian. In fact, his antics which start like a joke often turn out to open massive doors of opportunity for him. For instance, he just launched a new brief comedy “show” as part of a brand promotion deal with Steers SA. In the series, he is Nomatriquency, a new supervisor working at Steers. He uses the show as a very creative and funny way to promote the restaurant’s mobile phone app to his viewers.
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