Kwesta On How He Broke The Devastating News To Yanga Chief

Kwesta On How He Broke The Devastating News To Yanga Chief

Kwesta On How He Broke The Devastating News To Yanga Chief

Rap star Kwesta was a recent guest on PopCast Podcast where he spoke about how he broke the news to Yanga Chief on the death of Kiernan Jarryd Forbes. The rapper who brags about his 16 years longevity in rap, said he is still shaken by AKA’s death.

On the show, he told the hosts how he broke the news to Yanga stating that he did not know that he was not aware of his friend’s passing.

“The only other person I called after hearing about Kiernan [“AKA” Forbes] was Yanga and I wanted an explanation of sorts of ‘what do you know?’, and he just found out from me. Which is a terrible thing because when you [are] asking the questions you realise this person doesn’t know [what] the f*ck you’re talking about. Now you have to sort of treat the conversation differently. It immediately changes, because now you’re bearing this news,” he said.

Yanga Chief is one friend who is constantly speaking on AKA’s death. He recently asked the SAPS to not fail them.

“It’s so boring without you Pah. Ima just keep it a buck. Every day I lose more faith that justice will be served. SAPS please don’t F this up. #JusticeForAKA (can’t even believe such a tag exits). Let’s keep praying for the family and loved ones. It’s not over,” Yanga said.

“Waking up to this reality daily is heavy to bear. So many conversations I wish had gone differently. The arrogance to think ‘we still have time’. Will we ever get over ourselves sisaphila? I’m beyond grateful for what we created, Forbes. Not just songs, not just memories, but we actually changed people’s lives.”

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