King Monada sends a strong warning against people invading his privacy

King Monada sends a strong warning against people invading his privacy

King Monada shares an official statement against people who invade his privacy. The musician whose studio is built in his house said some persons visit his abode without a prior appointment.

King Monada sends a strong warning against people invading his privacy

“Notice to all our Fans; kindly be advised that visits to King Monada’s music studios, taking pictures, etc. are strictly per appointment. Anyone budging in will be turned away, he needs privacy in his house, and to budge in whilst on video, compromised his privacy. Thank you for understanding,” reads the statement.

Some of his fans embraced the warning as a fan wrote, “Even if he builds 100 studios anywhere you will still have to make an appointment to see him. He probably has a tight diary to stick to. This thing of not respecting African professionals/entrepreneurs must stop. You’re not in my diary, I can’t see you. Simple

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