It’s Gemma, not Emma Fassie

It’s Gemma, not Emma Fassie

It’s Gemma, not Emma Fassie

Singer and songwriter, Gemma Fassie has been trending for the first time a few hours ago and it’s like a dream come true for her.

This is coming after Bongani Fassie shared the songstress singing a cover of Tamia’s Missing You.

However, this brought so many to wonder if she is related legendary Brenda Fassie.

However, for Gemma, her trending quickly turned into an unpleasant experience as she trended under a name that was not hers.

Realizing that for some reason she is trending as Emma Fassie, and not Gemma Fassie, the songstress took to Twitter to lament on the fact that she is trending under the wrong name.

See the tweet below:

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