It ends in tears for Generations: The Legacy’s Mpho

It ends in tears for Generations: The Legacy’s Mpho

It ends in tears for Generations: The Legacy’s Mpho

Umjolo has ended in stress for constable Mpho on Generations: The Legacy.

It turns out the love of his life was actually working undercover to bring him down.

Jackie is actually the daughter of a gang leader who had a score to settle with him.

The gang leader, Solo, made his daughter get close to Mpho so he could frame him for a crime he didn’t commit.

Luckily, Mpho’s colleague Dali was a step ahead and got Jackie to come clean.

Their relationship is now over. Although he has told her to never to contact him again, he is left with a broken heart.

Meanwhile, Kabisi broke up with Fikile after he heard her telling her friends she was still in love with her late, former fiance Mazwi.

Mazwi was Kabisi’s nephew. Kabisi shouldn’t have dated her in the first place.

Mazwi died recently after being shot by his cousin’s girlfriend.

He is not only being mourned by Fikile but two other women. Siphesihle, the mother of his child and Tracy, who he left Fikile for but later broke up with, are also heartbroken.

On Skeem Saam, Melita has lost her home, her married boyfriend and her dignity.

She is being treated like an outcast in Turfloop and is only left with the clothes she’s wearing.

It’s sad to see anyone in that state, but Melita should be punished a bit for being as mean as she’s been to Ivy in the past few weeks.

She has been fooling around with Mr Kgomo, while his wife Ivy has been crying herself to sleep. The worst part that she was rubbing their shenanigans in Ivy’s face.

She is now blaming Ivy for the flames that gutted her home. However, her house was burnt down by the candles she lit during her romantic night with Mr Kgomo. What’s happening to her is just karma.

She has hit rock bottom but knowing her, it’s just a matter of time until she finds a new blesser.

And after nearly dying in the fire, Mr Kgomo seems to have turned over a new leaf. He has apologised to Ivy, saying he regrets cheating on her and destroying their marriage.

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