Isibaya actress Zinhle Mabena and her husband on a brink of being homeless

Isibaya actress Zinhle Mabena and her husband on a brink of being homeless

Isibaya actress Zinhle Mabena and her husband on a brink of being homeless

Once rich businessperson Robert Ngwenya and his estranged wife, actress Zinhle Mabena, could lose their R7 million house in Midrand, Johannesburg, if the repo man has his way.

They could be permanently homeless by winter after allegedly missing several bond repayments on their posh home in Blue Valley Estate.

Ngwenya, who obtained a loan from SA Home Loans a few years ago when he bought the residence, has been failing to make the R28 000 monthly bond repayments since last year.

He has allegedly incurred arrears of about R200 000 and is believed to be avoiding debt collectors when they try to contact him.

It’s true that his home loan and his cars are in arrears. He sold shares of the business that he was involved in and he was doing consulting work.

Ngwenya’s lawyer, Shani Adams

Ngwenya could not be reached for comment, as his phone rang unanswered this week.

By the time of going to print, neither he nor Mabena had responded to questions texted to them

However, Ngwenya’s lawyer, Shani Adams, alleged that the father of three had fallen on hard times following the hard lockdown that was implemented by the government last year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“He’s having severe financial difficulties. It’s true that his home loan and his cars are in arrears. He sold shares of the business that he was involved in and he was doing consulting work. Unfortunately, he was affected by the Covid-19 [lockdown]. The consulting work he’s doing has been affected by the bad publicity from his divorce. He’s doing everything he possibly can to recover,” said Adams.

The Blue Valley Estate home is currently occupied by Mabena and the couple’s two young children.

They are allegedly also behind on levy payments at the residential estate, which has prompted its body corporate to enlist the services of a lawyer to solicit the funds from them.

Robert’s staying at a friend’s place. He’s as good as homeless already because he doesn’t have the means to find himself a decent shelter for now.

A letter that the lawyer sent to the couple this week stated that they were in arrears to the tune of just over R11 000 and an immediate payment of about R6 000 was demanded, failing which further legal action would be taken.

“Kindly note that the current outstanding balance, inclusive of the current levy for the month of March, is the amount of R11 085 … In order to bring your account up to date, our client requires an instalment of R5 857.62 over a period of approximately three months. This instalment is inclusive of the future current levy, as well as the arrear amount,” the letter read.

Sources close to Ngwenya say he is currently staying at a politician friend’s home in Pretoria North to give his wife some space amid their pending divorce.

“Robert’s staying at a friend’s place. He’s as good as homeless already because he doesn’t have the means to find himself a decent shelter for now, so his friends are helping him,” said a source.

According to the publication two major banks are also gunning for two of Ngwenya’s cars, which are on the brink of being repossessed.

In the midst of their financial problems, he and Mabena are in and out of court, following allegations of assault against each other.

These cases were opened during their marriage and shortly after their separation.

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