I have been through hell the past four years – Lerato Sengadi speaks out

I have been through hell the past four years – Lerato Sengadi speaks out

I have been through hell the past four years – Lerato Sengadi speaks out

Lerato Sengadi narrates the hell she’s been through within the past four years after the passing of her lover and husband, HHP. The rapper’s death made her lose valuable properties like their house, dogs, valued possession, and her stepson.

Opening up to Drum, the star said it’s been a traumatic experience, and she’s still battling with Jabba’s family as they see her marriage with their son as null and void. On the day the rapper got buried in 2018, the family didn’t honour her as the deceased wife; she had to legally fight for where her late lover should get buried.

“I am going to the Constitutional Court to ensure that to any other female. Because of my case, Checkers has a lobola form that you can buy and make sure that during your negotiations there is a full checklist and it is an essential value of the contract,” she says.

“The case has been going on for the past three years. With lockdown, we couldn’t proceed with the court case and now they are taking me to the ConCourt and I am, like, ‘Great!’ I have won at the Supreme Court of Appeal, but they still want to fight the two rulings of the two courts and their last stop, the only place that they can do that, is the ConCourt.”

I have been through hell the past four years – Lerato Sengadi speaks out

“She says this is bigger than her, and she hasn’t seen her stepson ever since the day his dad died. “We lived in the same home, we co-raised him. It is painful, but you know what? We’ll find each other – that’s a definite. I know his father will make it happen,” she says.

“They are taking me there because they are trying to [make my marriage] null and void. I [allegedly] didn’t get married which has been their whole thing, therefore I can’t work on my husband’s legacy, I can’t live in our home because I am not his wife.

Lerato said they got married traditionally which is more valid than a white wedding. She’s spent all on the court fight and she’s willing to see it till the very end.

“I have learned that life is short. I didn’t think I’ll be a widow and lose the love of my life at 34. I didn’t think I’d lose everything that I held dear to me. Why, having learned all of that, will I not want to live life every day? Lerato still want to get married again and have kids.

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