Hip-hop star Stilo Magolide holds memorial for Khanya Hadebe
Hip-hop star Stilo Magolide holds memorial for Khanya Hadebe
Hip Hop Artist Stilo Magolide has announced on Instagram that there will be a memorial service for one of the yanos superstars that passed on Monday, Khanya Hadebe who was Mpura’s DJ.
Stilo said, “Join us this Friday for my brothers memorial in Braam outside area 3 at 14:00 dress code green bring flowers and candles no drinking”.
The organisers of the memorial service for Khanya said, “As a family and community, we have lost our voice. It is now time to come together and find our light. On Friday, we will be coming together in Braam to bid farewell to our brother Khanya. We would for everyone who was illuminated by Khanya’s spirit to join us in paying respects and laying flowers and lighting candles in the area”
A tweet has shared graphics of what is believed to be from the accident that claimed the lives of Killer Kau, Mpura, Thando Tot, Khanya Hadebe and Thando TD. The vehicle, which is beyond recognition is believed to be the one in which the Amapiano stars were travelling. They were on their way to a gig in Rustenburg.
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