Effective Training Materials to Pass Microsoft AZ-303 Certification Exam
Effective Training Materials to Pass Microsoft AZ-303 Certification Exam
No matter in which sphere you work, your skills define a lot in your life. For example, the position you are applying for, your career growth, colleagues’ attitude, salary increase, to mention a few. Anyway, learning something new always help you grow and this refers to the professional life as well.
Since IT is constantly developing and new technologies are evolving, so passing the certification exams is a must. This also refers to Microsoft Azure. Passing the Microsoft AZ-303 exam equips you with new skills, that’s for sure. And taking the second exam (AZ-304) afterwards grants you the Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification. Being a certified Azure Solution Architect means that you can effortlessly meet the business requirements and translate them into reliable, scalable, and secure cloud solutions.
So, if you are still interested in passing the AZ-303 exam, go on reading.
Verified Preparation Materials for the Microsoft AZ-303 Exam
Official materials are what you need to prepare and pass the AZ-303 exam. On the vendor’s official website you will find both free and paid prep options. Therefore, depending on your training preferences, you can choose between the following alternatives:
Course AZ-303T00-A: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
This is a paid instructor-led training class that is offered on the exam’s webpage. It targets IT professionals who have expertise in implementing and designing solutions with the help of Microsoft Azure features. Also, the target audience for this course is formed of specialists who have hands-on skills in networking, business continuity, virtualization, data platform, governance, or budgeting solutions. In other words, they should also be proficient in Azure administration and working with DevOps and Azure development processes.
As a result, during this training, the attendees will learn how to understand the business requirements and translate them into scalable and secure solutions. In addition, this course includes numerous labs that will help the candidates train the skills in developing data platforms, identity, and application infrastructure elements in practice.
Course AZ-030T00: Microsoft Azure technologies for AWS architects
This is the second instructor-led training available on the Microsoft site. It targets AWS Cloud Architects who have experience in implementing and designing different solutions that run on AWS environments. Additionally, this training class is suitable for professionals who want to learn how to design for Microsoft Azure features.
Therefore, this course will teach you everything about storage, automation, networking, virtualization, or data security. You will also master how to implement application infrastructure elements and data platform tools to meet the business and stakeholders’ requirements. In addition, while going through this training, you will learn how to effectively implement various AWS tools and features in a real business scenario.
Supplementary preparation tools
If you prefer to work independently, without mentoring, for this reason, Microsoft offers a set of 9 learning paths. You can find this free training program on the AZ-303 exam page as well, and start practicing whenever you like. As a result, by completing so many modules with numerous exercises, you’ll cover all the topics of the exam in your own pace.
Now, you will completely agree that only with the help of the verified training resources, you can get a passing grade on the Microsoft AZ-303 exam. And your starting point should be the vendor’s site. There, you can find different training options that will help you consolidate your skills on the topics tested.
And, do not forget that the quality of your preparation will affect the final result. Everything is in your hands!
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