Drama as Uzalo actress fails to pay back mashonisa

Drama as Uzalo actress fails to pay back mashonisa

Drama as Uzalo actress fails to pay back mashonisa

A well-known Uzalo actress is allegedly struggling to pay back a loan shark.

The mashonisa from Inanda, north of Durban, said the actress owes him R25 000, which she borrowed when she was struggling financially earlier in the year.

He told Daily Sun she had approached him many times, saying she was struggling but would pay him back.

“She has failed to honour her promise to pay back my money on time.

“I was forced to borrow from other people to lend her money, hoping she would pay back as per our agreement.

“Those people are now demanding their money back from me. She used to tell me she was struggling because Uzalo suspended shooting and sometimes they were working but were not paid on time.”

He said all agreements were made in person or over the telephone, so he had no text messages proving the actress owed him money.

“I know she has other gigs besides Uzalo and those gigs pay her, but she still doesn’t want to pay my money back.”

The mashonisa said when he threatened to go to the media, she begged him not to as it would damage her reputation.

“She knows this will humiliate her because she is the ambassador of certain brands. Now I have involved my mother and her mother to resolve this because she must stop ducking and diving.”

The actress told the SunTeam she didn’t owe journalists any explanation.

“It does not help to comment because I know in the end, the journalist will write what they like. I don’t know why he is going to the media,” she said.

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