Dineo Ranaka gets advice on how to respond to a man hitting on her from her daughter – VIDEO

Dineo Ranaka gets advice on how to respond to a man hitting on her from her daughter – VIDEO

Dineo Ranaka gets advice on how to respond to a man hitting on her from her daughter – VIDEO

Dineo Ranaka’s has taken to her social media to share a video of her daughter educating her how to respond to her man trying to her her.

The star’s daughter stated that he mom should make sure that she tells them she has children.

The 9-year-old girl tells her mom to go ahead to tell such man that her children has children.

Dineo then said after that she should say bye and block him.

She captioned: “So my daughter, Kopano gave me advice on how to respond to the gents that are tryna get with me ????? guys she’s 9!!! ??????????”

Watch video below:

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