Dineo and Solo Langa celebrate 12 years as a couple

Dineo and Solo Langa celebrate 12 years as a couple

Dineo and Solo Langa celebrate 12 years as a couple

Dineo Langa announces the 12th anniversary of her relationship with Solo Ntsizwa Ka Mthimkhulu. The two married years ago, and they’ve never missed out on celebrating the milestone of their relationship and marriage.

Dineo Langa announces the 12th anniversary of her relationship with Solo Ntsizwa Ka Mthimkhulu. The two married years ago, and they’ve never missed out on celebrating the milestone of their relationship and marriage.

Followers reacted to the post with beautiful comments and congratulatory messages.It was cute seeing how far they’ve grown considering that most celebrity relationships don’t last. Some collapse within five years and the fact that the Langa’s have been together for more than a decade was definitely worth celebrating.

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