Back to school dates set with matrics and grade 7s first to return after Covid-19 lockdown

Back to school dates set with matrics and grade 7s first to return after Covid-19 lockdown
Lecture room or School empty classroom with desks and chair iron wood in high school thailand, interior of secondary school education, with whiteboard, vintage tone educational concept

The department of basic education has presented a covid-19 plan for its sector, which tables the reopening of schools from next week.

The department presented its Covid-19 plan for schooling to parliament’s portfolio committee.

Grades 7 and 12 are expected to be back at school on Wednesday May 6. The department’s director-general Mathanzima Mweli said screening of pupils and educators will be done at the re-opening of schools.

He said the school term will start on Monday May 4 with the return of teachers.

Grades 11 and 6 will return on May 20;

Grades 10 and 5 will return on June 3;

Grades 9 and 4 will return on June 17;

Grades 8 and 3 will return on July 1;

Grades 2 and 1 will return on July 8; and

Grade R will return on July 15.

“A basic and essential hygiene and sanitation package has been developed and provinces are procuring items. The department has developed guidelines for schools on maintaining hygiene during the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Mweli said the provinces have identified schools with critical water supplies and classrooms are to be sanitised prior to start of the school day.

“Teachers and pupils will have to sanitise hands before entering the classroom. The movement of learners in classes will be limited and there will be no clustering of desks in the classroom. The physical distance in the classroom will include not more than two learners sharing desks. Both teachers and learners are expected to wear masks at all times,” Mweli said.

In a supporting document, the department protocols advise that schools must ensure:

No hugging, handshaking and direct contact must be avoided.
Cloth masks to be worn by learners and teachers at all times.
No mass public events.
Sports matches, choral practices and festivals, Eisteddfods are not permitted.
Extra classes should be arranged in small groups that maintain social distancing.

Back to school dates set with matrics and grade 7s first to return after Covid-19 lockdown

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