Babes Wodumo In Hot Water With Mampintsha’s Family

Babes Wodumo In Hot Water With Mampintsha’s Family

Babes Wodumo In Hot Water With Mampintsha’s Family

Babes Wodumo might be in hot water with Mampintsha’s family following her publicity stunt where she cussed at her husband’s mother and Makhadzi. Her publicity stunt might have cost her a lot than she had bargained for.

Babes Wodumo’s spotlight might have fizzled out seeing how all the hottest and newest acts are taking over. So in order to remain relevant, and to get people to buy her music again, she had to resort to publicity stunts to gain attention. This might have backfired hard and now her in-laws are reportedly fighting back.

According to Daily Sun, Zama Gumede and family are taking the legal route. But if you think about it, that too might be a publicity stunt. You just never know! All to get her EP Crown, more numbers.

In her rant, Babes called Zama all the bad names you can think of including bh and we. In the viral videos, Babes said Zama of abandoned her son Mampintsha when he was only 3 days old. She also addressed the time when she referred to her grandson as spontshi, but Babes said the sponge messes it’s diapers and does all the things a baby does.

“She mustn’t fk with me, I’ll fetch her. She’s drunk,” says Babes who then phrased her husband Mampintsha who defended her and said she was drunk, she did not mean it. However Babes said she is drunk from the st she was talking.

“She said I must apologise, why should I apologise? This dog is drunk. She is saying I should apologise when she has never apologised to my family. This b***h,” said Babes who then apologised for calling her mother-in-law these cuss words, but continued to do so.

She then threatened to call the thugs she knows so she can teach her a lesson.

Daily Sun reports that Babes also lost out on her manager Keke Mokoena who said Babes is no longer manageable. “I guess my managing style is no longer compatible with her as an artist,” she said to the paper.

Babes is now being managed by Sbusiso Mncube but an apparent close source said Babes lacks professionalism. It alleged that Babes would cut Keke out from the stuff she is doing and perfect example is the release of her EP Crown.

Her EP got mized by some people who are still expecting an apology from Babes for what she said to Makhadzi.

This is what some said:

“I am really disappointed in you shame, I really liked you.”

“You really need help before it’s too late.”

“It’s pure jealousy, there’s nothing more. She’s just jealous at the fact that because of her arrogance she was so quick to brag that she’s the hottest young artist. She used to utter such words even when she didn’t win awards. Makhadzi has always remained humble, people have body shamed her, called her all sorts of horrible things. But still remained calm and that’s why God is continuing to bless her. Babes with her arrogance will never achieved what that young woman has achieved. Babes will only achieve at swearing at people.”

“At least you will never reach the level Makhadzi is at right now!!! She just keep on winning.”

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