Actress Ayanda Borotho warns against demonic cartoon

Actress Ayanda Borotho warns against demonic cartoon

Actress Ayanda Borotho warns against demonic cartoon

POPULAR actress Ayanda Borotho has warned parents about an evil cartoon called Huggy Wuggy.

She claimed that the cartoon, on YouTube, was telling children to cut and kill themselves, and warned parents to be careful and monitor their kids.

The Wounds actress posted a screenshot of the warning, that read: “Parents, please be on the lookout for this character called Huggy Wuggy. I literally caught my daughter watching this thing telling her to cut and kill herself. I broke her phone out of shock and disabled YouTube from all out TVs. It’s so scary that kids are not safe from this messed-up world.”

Ayanda asked people to share the post to other parents, adding that this was demonic.

“Please spread this to parents and guardians. Please check what your kids are watching on YouTube. I checked this out myself, after my sister-in-law alerted me to it. You honestly don’t want your kids watching this thing. It’s disguised as a cartoon but it’s actually just plain demonic,” she wrote.

Her followers and fellow actors went on to thank her for the warning.

Winnie Ntshaba wrote: “Thank you Ndlovukazi, my goodness, I just had goosebumps ngoba my son and YouTube these days… I’m on it immediately.”

Then Connie Chiume added: “Yho, thank you Ayanda. So much evil around us.”

Botyl Makeupartist added: “Oh my goodness, my son has been having nightmares and the older brother said it was because of this character. I literally banned him from watching YouTube because I can’t control what content he consumes,” she wrote.

People have been warning other parents against this cartoon on different social media platforms, too.

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